Brand new features to blow your mind

Stream crypto prices live
with the press of a button

Stocks, Crypto, Weather, Custom Messages, and more

Air Panel pulls live data directly from the source. Controlled with our first-class Android and IPhone Apps.


Date and Time

Use Air Panel as a standard clock

Asset Prices Live

See cryptocurrency prices (any asset listed on Coinbase) and stock prices with < 5 second latency.


Get the hourly weather forcast for your area

Customized Text

Display any custom text on your Air Panel

You can select any asset listed on Coinbase or any stock ticker. The prices shown are the ticker prices of the stock, and update with < 5 second latency.
Yes, the battery lasts approximately 5 hours while on and unplugged. It charges using a standard micro-usb port.
Yes, Air Panel connects to your home WiFi. It is also required that you connect your phone to your home WiFi in order to control it from the app.
We are running a Private Beta of our devices! Anyone can Sign Up to be selected to try an Air Panel for free.

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